September 2008
Following the introduction of interactive data wall, which empowers the user removed icons and objects on a huge screen
Size wall-sized, hand-Dahshan Microsoft today to devise a new sensation would redress global interactive screens in the industry. Soon, skinny piece of the screens and those kind paper to the spherical screens! Microsoft allegedly devising new "ambassador" and continues until today, non-commercial. Soon, Microsoft may decide to produce on a large scale and then marketed around the world.
This allows the screen football for several users work and interact with them, at the same time. It can zoom in and zoom images that appear on the screen. Moreover, the removal of icons and objects fingers or orders by hand again. By fingers, the user can also transfer screen from side to the other, on the same ball.
At the level of applications, we find a basket of a variety of devices including these spherical screen and cope with the latest technological cries. For example, can offer programming "Google legacy" on this screen is almost normal. Can also use the "ambassador" to control several remote cameras.
The idea for this innovation to allow several people, at the same time, use this screen located on the table a joint action, without the user suffers from any jamming by the other users, who share the same action on the screen